
Multiplex Profi MC 3030, MC 4000, Royal Evo w/ FASST TM-8


MPX adapter source code for ATtiny (GCC)

The Futaba TM-8 is operated either in 8-channel mode or in 7-channel mode. In 7-channel mode the adapter provides a fixed failsafe setting of -100% for the motor channel (3), if 'PPM7' is selected on the TX. You may substitute that setting by selecting 'PPM9' and transmitting a fixed servo position on channel 8, which will then be used as the failsafe setting if needed. The Power down button on the adapter is to be used for the range check in 7-channel mode.

In 8-channel mode, proceed according to the TM-8 manual for failsafe and range checking.

The FASST-Transmitters T6EXP, TM-7, and TM-8 may not be used with the MPX signal format. You must use standard PPM signal format (1.5ms ± 0.5ms).

With the Royal Evo, choose 'UNI' instead of 'MPX' as the channel signal format. With the Profi mc 4000, choose 'OTHER' instead of 'MPX' as the neutral point (see manual p. 7). With the Profi mc 3030, adjust the servo center points to -10%.

Die FASST-Sender T6EXP, TM-7, and TM-8 können nicht mit dem MPX-Signalformat betrieben werden. Du musst das Standard-PPM-Signalformat einstellen (1,5ms ± 0,5ms).

Bei der Royal Evo wähle 'UNI' anstelle von 'MPX' als das Kanalsignalformat. Bei der Profi mc 4000 wähle 'FREMD' anstelle von 'MPX' als Neutralpunkt (siehe Handbuch S. 11). Bei der Profi mc 3030 stelle die Servoneutralpunkte auf -10% ein.

Connector Connector Connector
Adapter Adapter Adapter
Adapter Adapter
Adapter Adapter
Adapter Adapter
Adapter Adapter